Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Warhammer Economy Analysis

hey all,

I've been playing some Total War: Warhammer recently, and I've been working up a game mechanics/economics analysis of the core gameplay, and here is what I have so far.

The basic gameplay on the campaign map revolves around money, public order, and population growth. There are many other factors, but I've singled these out as the most basic and fundamental.

This is close to how it works in the actual game. Your units cost a certain amount of money, and for each unit you train, the upkeep you must pay will increase. Your public order, income, and growth is mostly affected by your keep's upgrades and by income and growth modifying buildings. There are also buildings which affect public order, but I have left them out to simplify somewhat. This is an instance of the Build the Engine pattern from Game Mechanics: Advanced Game Design by Joris Dormans and Ernest Adams. This pattern is all about modifying the feedback loops that drive the fundamental resources used in gameplay. Since the player has such a high degree of control over how these resources are generated, a large amount of gameplay time is spent deciding how to best proceed and on tweaking the values to produce slightly better results.

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