Tuesday, November 22, 2016


hey all, This is mostly just a test to see if I can get my C# code to show up.
    [Range(0, 100)]
    float hunger;
    [Range(0, 100)]
    float tiredness;
    [Range(0, 100)]
    float thirst;
    [Range(0, 100)]
    float lust;
    [Range(0, 100)]
    float warmth;

I originally started with something like the above.But as I thought more about it, I realized that a struct is probably closer to what is needed.

PhysicalNeed[] needs = new PhysicalNeed[6];

public struct PhysicalNeed
    [Range(0, 100)]
    float severity;
    float changeRate;
    PhysicalNeedType type;

public enum PhysicalNeedType

Upon starting, the array of physical needs needs to be initialized, and during each update loop, the NPC's physical needs are updated depending on the NPC's physical state: if the NPC is sleeping, the need for rest will decrease, while if working, all the needs will slowly increase.

I also have some callbacks setup between the PhysicalState class and the Mood class, so that whenever the PhysicalState class is updated, it will update the NPC's mood.

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